Monday, February 5, 2007

starry starry signs 1

Saw this on Aunty's blog ..... Farn is so typical Gemini....

Gemini (May 21 - June 21) - The Intelligent Entertainers
These children are good entertainers. They never are at a loss for words (sometimes I'm amazed at what comes out of his mouth). In general, Geminis are very intelligent and love to learn. Writing comes easily to them (true, he starts to write at 3yrs old). Give them books or computers to keep them from tiring of one activity. Witty and very humorous, they can grow up to be comedians. They are so good with speech, they can sell anything to anybody (basically, I think he talks too much, I've to tell him to SHUT UP). You will often find salespeople possessing the sign of Gemini.

Avid readers, they will need many, many books on many subjects to be happy. They can talk so much, they drive everyone away (he drives me CRAZY). Boredom will turn them into a hyper, nervous, antsy child (maybe that's why he's getting so uncontrollable now, I've to tell him to stop behaving like a monkey). Get their physical needs for movement satisfied by getting them involved in dance lessons, gymnastics, or track and field. They need to move their bodies as often as they move their mouths. On the other hand, do not give them too many things to do at once, for then they will never learn to be good at anything.

Watch for sensitivity to the hands, limbs or lungs. These children are more prone to dyslexia and nervous disorders, including speech problems than any other sign. Looking for variety can keep them from being faithful to friends and later to a spouse, as well as, the inability to stick with one career. Teaching your Gemini child to fulfill their commitments and concentrate on what’s in front of them will be the best thing you can do for them (this one is difficult, he has such short attention span, always doing a few activities at the same time & not finishing all of them).

Birth - 6 months

Makes contact almost immediately using eye contact and vocalisation.Enjoys interaction.Very alert.Likes being talked to and to hear the sound of a human voice.Responds well to laughter. Mirror play is good.

6-18 months

Curious and verbal.Constantly in motion.Has a short attention span and needs plenty of variety.Learns through repetition and conversation.Likely to talk and walk early (definately talks very early. I can still remember during 1 of his health checks, the pd ask if he can speak more than 20 words, my dh & I was like er....he speaks much more than that loh but but but he didn't starts crawling till he was abt 18mths). Finds everything exciting and challenging.

18 months-3 years

Perpetual motion could be your child’s nickname at this age.Begins to perform multiple tasks at the one time.Looks for honesty from those around. Mercurial personality begins to show and becomes even more unpredictable.

3-6 years

Continues to be changeable, restless and curious.Becoming more involved with testing out different roles and truths.Tests parents to see if they meant what they say (definately true for my Gemini boy).Favourite word “why” followed by “how” (drives me up the wall with his non-stop questioning). Mimicry and conversational abilities become even more highly developed. Begins to develop skills in debating and negotiating (true also, always bargaining with me, sometimes I'm so fed up I just say "Do it because mummy say so").

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