Han looooooovvvvvvves to read, or rather she likes to bite the books. Don't know y, she's been like dat since she knows how to grab things, so cannot be due to teething. Hope she loves books as much in the future :)
Friday, April 20, 2007
leopard v0.1
er...... I'm not talking about Apple's latest OS, I'm refering to Han's leopard crawl ;P She can crawl sooooo fast now, though she's still dragging her tummy on the floor. When she sets her eyes on something, nothing I mean NOTHING gets in her way. I call her my all terrain crawler hehehehe
Monday, April 16, 2007
the determined balloon seeker
Wow, it's been almost 2 mths since I last posted. Very busy lately, freelancing at an agency the whole of March, SAHM for the past 2 weeks - busy with kids & trying to find time to do up my itsy online site (yupz, but still under construction, at the rate that I'm going I don't think it'll be up any time soon ;P). Who says SAHM is very FREE!!!!! Aunty has been a SAHM since Feb & she's yet to find time to yak in the chatroom or update her bloggy (psstt....er...I think she also said her larling dun like her to be on her lappy too much, so she's been a very gd garl). Well, managed to meet up with her ytd for "Meet The Robinsons" movie event with 2 kids & 2 bbs in tow hahahaha..... 1st time I'm out with both Farn & Han, I almost died. Thank goodness dh came to pick up Han before the movie started. The pre-movie activities was not that great, a bit disorganised but the movie was gRREAttttt!! I'm gonna get the VCD when it's out :)
Hmmmm..... what else happened....let's see... oh yes, I brought Farn to a SSO children concert sometime back. This is the 2nd SSO concert he has attended since Baby Prom. Love it, he even can recognised some of the classical pieces all thanks to Little Einstine (from Playhouse Disney Channel --- the POWER of the goggle box!) Well, something farny happened on that day. The volunteers was giving out balloons after the concert. As usual the kids & adults crowd around the volunteers trying to grab 1 of the FREE balloons (I mean they're FREEEE mah, so must grab. Don't understand, how much is a balloon gonna cost har?) Farn insisted that he wanted 1, so I told him to get it himself (yup, yup, I know I'm very evil hehehehe) So the poor boy, being very small size, tried very hard to squeeze through the kids & the butts of the adults. He tried so hard, when he finally squeezed to the front, all the balloons had been given out :( He came back to me looking sooooo disappointed. Just then another volunteer came out with a fresh bunch of balloons. Can see his eyes light up loh, he was hestitating, den I was like 'quick, quick, quick GO, wait later no more again' So he finally had a blue balloon with the words SSO printed on it.
Ahem... that's not the end of the story. We walked past the ACM & found out that they have children activities. So we did stone painting, he painted a stone ladybird (it's now sitting proudly on a shelf in our hall) We also found out that they have balloon sculpting at 2.30pm. With more than 2hrs to kill, I decided to hv lunch. Brought him to the big M at Boat Q, past the bumboat ride counter. Farn wanted to go for a ride, as usual I told him nxt time. At the big M while chomping on our burgers & fries, a terrible thing happened. His prized balloon started to SHRINKKKKK!!!!!! EKKKK!!!! Farn looks like he gonna burst into tears (who wouldn't, after all the squeezing to get this balloon). So to pacify him I reminded him of the balloon sculpting later at ACM. After lunch, we went back to ACM, but we're still 30mins early. By now the balloon had shrank to slightly bigger den an apple. He insisted that I cannot throw it away, must put it in my bag. Aiyoh, cannot tahan him. To pass the 3omins, we went for a bumboat ride. Farn was so excited & was asking me all the questions abt Boat Q & the bridges we passed. Well, history was not my strongest subject so 'I don't know' was my standard answer ;P After the ride, went back to ACM. The balloon sculpting had just started & already there's a long que. Farn happily joined the que. When he finally got his balloon sculpted in the shape of a cat, he was delighted. I was telling myself 'Good, now we can go home.' BUT we had barely cross the street, Farn was fiddling with the balloon, when the cat balloon BURST!!!! Win lor ! *&$!*#@^# can I complain to ACM that the guy used sub-quality balloons?! (Actually I think it's the heat ---- hot air expand mah rite??) Now we had to go back to get another balloon, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Farn can get another one. So back to the que haizzz..... The problem was they had to stop the sculpting session as the story-telling was up next. And Farn was just the nxt after the kid in front! Think he super bad luck that day. The balloon sculpting guy took his barang to the side to finished up the last balloon for the kid. Farn still refused to give up, stood right behind the kid even though I told him that the session had ended. Well, the guy remembered Farn, he was like 'U got ur balloon just now rite?' I was quite paisei, told him that the balloon bursted, Farn held up the bursted balloon to prove our claim (hey, ok, ok, I know balloons don't cost much but this one cannot get outside hor) The guy went 'Awwww.... so what do u like this time?' Was I surprised!!! Such a nice guy hehehehe.... This time round Farn asked for a flower, manzz.... this one is BIG loh many times BIGGER than the stupid cat, check out the pic & the 100 magawatts smile :)
Hmmmm..... what else happened....let's see... oh yes, I brought Farn to a SSO children concert sometime back. This is the 2nd SSO concert he has attended since Baby Prom. Love it, he even can recognised some of the classical pieces all thanks to Little Einstine (from Playhouse Disney Channel --- the POWER of the goggle box!) Well, something farny happened on that day. The volunteers was giving out balloons after the concert. As usual the kids & adults crowd around the volunteers trying to grab 1 of the FREE balloons (I mean they're FREEEE mah, so must grab. Don't understand, how much is a balloon gonna cost har?) Farn insisted that he wanted 1, so I told him to get it himself (yup, yup, I know I'm very evil hehehehe) So the poor boy, being very small size, tried very hard to squeeze through the kids & the butts of the adults. He tried so hard, when he finally squeezed to the front, all the balloons had been given out :( He came back to me looking sooooo disappointed. Just then another volunteer came out with a fresh bunch of balloons. Can see his eyes light up loh, he was hestitating, den I was like 'quick, quick, quick GO, wait later no more again' So he finally had a blue balloon with the words SSO printed on it.
Ahem... that's not the end of the story. We walked past the ACM & found out that they have children activities. So we did stone painting, he painted a stone ladybird (it's now sitting proudly on a shelf in our hall) We also found out that they have balloon sculpting at 2.30pm. With more than 2hrs to kill, I decided to hv lunch. Brought him to the big M at Boat Q, past the bumboat ride counter. Farn wanted to go for a ride, as usual I told him nxt time. At the big M while chomping on our burgers & fries, a terrible thing happened. His prized balloon started to SHRINKKKKK!!!!!! EKKKK!!!! Farn looks like he gonna burst into tears (who wouldn't, after all the squeezing to get this balloon). So to pacify him I reminded him of the balloon sculpting later at ACM. After lunch, we went back to ACM, but we're still 30mins early. By now the balloon had shrank to slightly bigger den an apple. He insisted that I cannot throw it away, must put it in my bag. Aiyoh, cannot tahan him. To pass the 3omins, we went for a bumboat ride. Farn was so excited & was asking me all the questions abt Boat Q & the bridges we passed. Well, history was not my strongest subject so 'I don't know' was my standard answer ;P After the ride, went back to ACM. The balloon sculpting had just started & already there's a long que. Farn happily joined the que. When he finally got his balloon sculpted in the shape of a cat, he was delighted. I was telling myself 'Good, now we can go home.' BUT we had barely cross the street, Farn was fiddling with the balloon, when the cat balloon BURST!!!! Win lor ! *&$!*#@^# can I complain to ACM that the guy used sub-quality balloons?! (Actually I think it's the heat ---- hot air expand mah rite??) Now we had to go back to get another balloon, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Farn can get another one. So back to the que haizzz..... The problem was they had to stop the sculpting session as the story-telling was up next. And Farn was just the nxt after the kid in front! Think he super bad luck that day. The balloon sculpting guy took his barang to the side to finished up the last balloon for the kid. Farn still refused to give up, stood right behind the kid even though I told him that the session had ended. Well, the guy remembered Farn, he was like 'U got ur balloon just now rite?' I was quite paisei, told him that the balloon bursted, Farn held up the bursted balloon to prove our claim (hey, ok, ok, I know balloons don't cost much but this one cannot get outside hor) The guy went 'Awwww.... so what do u like this time?' Was I surprised!!! Such a nice guy hehehehe.... This time round Farn asked for a flower, manzz.... this one is BIG loh many times BIGGER than the stupid cat, check out the pic & the 100 magawatts smile :)

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