Wednesday, October 29, 2008

leopard: improved version

I was clearing some of my smart cards and found these clips: Han’s improved leopard crawl.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

working days

This is my table top. The desk that I'm bound to for the next 5mths arghhhh.....

Monday, July 7, 2008

two little monkeys....

The little monkey had just recovered from fever, her nose is still stuffy with occasional mucus dripping out. Nevertheless, she’s in an extremely cheerful and dancing mood tonight. I was watching CSI and couldn't resist doing a few clips. Then came monkey no. 2 and we get 2 monkeys dancing in the night. Watch out for the little monkey tripping over the fan :)

Sunday, June 1, 2008

a day at the beach

the day my son said......

It was just like any other day. Farn was playing in his room with his sis. I was in the hall surfing the net. Than I heard Han cried. Instinctively, I shouted to Farn "Oei, don't disturb your sister!". DH was in the room with them, he sticks his head out & said it was not Farn disturbing the little one. And then Farn skipped out of the room and goes "Yah lor, not me hor.... don't jumped into conclusion...."

Dh & I looked at each other and was stunned for awhile hahahahaha..... "DON'T JUMPED TO CONCLUSION" okay.... don't play play hor...!! I can't remember when was the first time I used this phrase hmmm.... I think I never used it before cos too 'chim' already hahaha..... BUT definately didn't know about this phrase when I was 7 yrs old ;P. I think all those time Farn spend infront of the google box is definately increasing his vocaburary. YEASHHH...... he got it from the TV, not from reading books. Books for 7yr olds don't have such 'chim' phrase, guarantee.

Oh well, at least some good is coming out from all his TV watching :)