Ok peeps, I know I haven't update for a while.... ok..ok... very LONGGGG while :) Been busy with the 2 rascals (yupz, little Han included) & on my online biz. So how come I'm so free to update now? Well, well... cos I'm at work & I've been here since this morning 10.30am but it is 4pm already & have yet to get my 1st job brief.... kaoz... think gonna work late today liao.
Let see... hmmm... Han is 16mth exactly TODAY 3rd Dec hahaha..... time flies. Her progress:
Motor skills:
- Can walk without support, abit unstable
- Can point to whatever she wants
- Can point to the person when ask (immediate family)
- Can climb anywhere & everywhere
- Just learned to shake her head left right 2days ago
- Can kiss (with her lips parted hahaha)
- Can do flying kiss
- Can wave bye bye
- Can squat to pick up objects
- Can pick up objects using pincer grip
- Can flip pages using thumb & pointer
- Can remove her own shoes (she can do this when she's abt 12m old, I was amazed)
- Can zip & unzip small pouch
- Can open all kinds (well, almost) of containers or caps
Language skills:
- Can say ye ye, nai nai since dunno when liao, makes my ILs very happy indeed :)
- Then it is mum mum (currently her fav & most spoken word), chair, ball, car, xie (thanks), seat
- Next came dada (that's daddy for short)
- Just few days ago ma (mummy for short) & po (maternal granny)
- Still waiting for her to say ge ge (Farn will be obsolutely thrilled if she can say that, he's already complaining that Han is leaving him out of her vacab hahahaha...)
- Basically she's a very happy, cheerful bb, very smiley most of the time. Likes to follow Farn around & copy whatever he does. And she learns very fast. Just by looking at how things are done 1 or 2 times, she can do it independently. She can open drawer, stack Jugga bricks, stack Lego, retrieve things from under furniture using her foot or retriever (can be badminton racket or clothes hanger), able to throw a ball (Farn can't do this till pretty much later), open her water bottle. She learns to do all these simply by observing how we do it or we showed her 1 or 2 times. BUT I can't say the same thing about her language skills.... I think she prefers to get things done herself then to ask for help from adult so she's not very keen in communicating.
- She's a FOODIE hahaha.... basically everything edible will end up in her tummy. We call her the rubbish bin but Farn said she's a dumster truck hahahaha..... I still remember that day, the TV was having this cooking programme on. This little tumjiak gal walk right up to the front of the TV screen, pt to the food & said "mum mum... ah ah..." I almost died laughing lor. Another of her antics.... when she sees any food pics on magazines, she'll pt to it said "mum mum" then put her face to the pg!! We walked pass foodcourt, kopitiam etc, she also say "mum mum". The other day, dh brought home a bag of Mcdonald. He left the burger & fries, still wrapped up in the doggy bag in the plastic bag, on the table. Han saw the bag, walked up & said "mum mum" Faintzzz lor, she can tell it is food even without looking at the things inside. Hey, but all u aunties no need to worry... she's still very nicely shaped, no extra fat considering all the food that she had gobbled down.
- Oh, I discover 1 BIG difference between girls & boys. Girls are born to be vain, naturally hahahaha..... Han can't wait to try new clothes. She'll wriggle a bit, try to run away a bit but I consider her cooperative. She'll stay still when I put on hairclip for her, stick her feet up when I put on her socks. For Farn, I'll have to resort to threats or scolding whenever I have put on new clothes for him, especially those with buttons, collars or zips. He only likes to wear T-shirts & pants with elastic waistband.
Xianz... still waiting for job to come in. Heard that the creatives was thrown out & they have to rethink concepts again. They are doing a pitch, presentation on Thurs. Guess I'll be pitching tent here for the next 2 days :(
Monday, December 3, 2007
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
itsy bitsy ME! is online
Finally manage to get in done * phew~ *
Here's the link folks http://www.freewebs.com/itsybitsyme2
Wish myself sheng yi xing long :)
Here's the link folks http://www.freewebs.com/itsybitsyme2
Wish myself sheng yi xing long :)
Friday, April 20, 2007
me & my books
Han looooooovvvvvvves to read, or rather she likes to bite the books. Don't know y, she's been like dat since she knows how to grab things, so cannot be due to teething. Hope she loves books as much in the future :)
leopard v0.1
er...... I'm not talking about Apple's latest OS, I'm refering to Han's leopard crawl ;P She can crawl sooooo fast now, though she's still dragging her tummy on the floor. When she sets her eyes on something, nothing I mean NOTHING gets in her way. I call her my all terrain crawler hehehehe
Monday, April 16, 2007
the determined balloon seeker
Wow, it's been almost 2 mths since I last posted. Very busy lately, freelancing at an agency the whole of March, SAHM for the past 2 weeks - busy with kids & trying to find time to do up my itsy online site (yupz, but still under construction, at the rate that I'm going I don't think it'll be up any time soon ;P). Who says SAHM is very FREE!!!!! Aunty has been a SAHM since Feb & she's yet to find time to yak in the chatroom or update her bloggy (psstt....er...I think she also said her larling dun like her to be on her lappy too much, so she's been a very gd garl). Well, managed to meet up with her ytd for "Meet The Robinsons" movie event with 2 kids & 2 bbs in tow hahahaha..... 1st time I'm out with both Farn & Han, I almost died. Thank goodness dh came to pick up Han before the movie started. The pre-movie activities was not that great, a bit disorganised but the movie was gRREAttttt!! I'm gonna get the VCD when it's out :)
Hmmmm..... what else happened....let's see... oh yes, I brought Farn to a SSO children concert sometime back. This is the 2nd SSO concert he has attended since Baby Prom. Love it, he even can recognised some of the classical pieces all thanks to Little Einstine (from Playhouse Disney Channel --- the POWER of the goggle box!) Well, something farny happened on that day. The volunteers was giving out balloons after the concert. As usual the kids & adults crowd around the volunteers trying to grab 1 of the FREE balloons (I mean they're FREEEE mah, so must grab. Don't understand, how much is a balloon gonna cost har?) Farn insisted that he wanted 1, so I told him to get it himself (yup, yup, I know I'm very evil hehehehe) So the poor boy, being very small size, tried very hard to squeeze through the kids & the butts of the adults. He tried so hard, when he finally squeezed to the front, all the balloons had been given out :( He came back to me looking sooooo disappointed. Just then another volunteer came out with a fresh bunch of balloons. Can see his eyes light up loh, he was hestitating, den I was like 'quick, quick, quick GO, wait later no more again' So he finally had a blue balloon with the words SSO printed on it.
Ahem... that's not the end of the story. We walked past the ACM & found out that they have children activities. So we did stone painting, he painted a stone ladybird (it's now sitting proudly on a shelf in our hall) We also found out that they have balloon sculpting at 2.30pm. With more than 2hrs to kill, I decided to hv lunch. Brought him to the big M at Boat Q, past the bumboat ride counter. Farn wanted to go for a ride, as usual I told him nxt time. At the big M while chomping on our burgers & fries, a terrible thing happened. His prized balloon started to SHRINKKKKK!!!!!! EKKKK!!!! Farn looks like he gonna burst into tears (who wouldn't, after all the squeezing to get this balloon). So to pacify him I reminded him of the balloon sculpting later at ACM. After lunch, we went back to ACM, but we're still 30mins early. By now the balloon had shrank to slightly bigger den an apple. He insisted that I cannot throw it away, must put it in my bag. Aiyoh, cannot tahan him. To pass the 3omins, we went for a bumboat ride. Farn was so excited & was asking me all the questions abt Boat Q & the bridges we passed. Well, history was not my strongest subject so 'I don't know' was my standard answer ;P After the ride, went back to ACM. The balloon sculpting had just started & already there's a long que. Farn happily joined the que. When he finally got his balloon sculpted in the shape of a cat, he was delighted. I was telling myself 'Good, now we can go home.' BUT we had barely cross the street, Farn was fiddling with the balloon, when the cat balloon BURST!!!! Win lor ! *&$!*#@^# can I complain to ACM that the guy used sub-quality balloons?! (Actually I think it's the heat ---- hot air expand mah rite??) Now we had to go back to get another balloon, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Farn can get another one. So back to the que haizzz..... The problem was they had to stop the sculpting session as the story-telling was up next. And Farn was just the nxt after the kid in front! Think he super bad luck that day. The balloon sculpting guy took his barang to the side to finished up the last balloon for the kid. Farn still refused to give up, stood right behind the kid even though I told him that the session had ended. Well, the guy remembered Farn, he was like 'U got ur balloon just now rite?' I was quite paisei, told him that the balloon bursted, Farn held up the bursted balloon to prove our claim (hey, ok, ok, I know balloons don't cost much but this one cannot get outside hor) The guy went 'Awwww.... so what do u like this time?' Was I surprised!!! Such a nice guy hehehehe.... This time round Farn asked for a flower, manzz.... this one is BIG loh many times BIGGER than the stupid cat, check out the pic & the 100 magawatts smile :)
Hmmmm..... what else happened....let's see... oh yes, I brought Farn to a SSO children concert sometime back. This is the 2nd SSO concert he has attended since Baby Prom. Love it, he even can recognised some of the classical pieces all thanks to Little Einstine (from Playhouse Disney Channel --- the POWER of the goggle box!) Well, something farny happened on that day. The volunteers was giving out balloons after the concert. As usual the kids & adults crowd around the volunteers trying to grab 1 of the FREE balloons (I mean they're FREEEE mah, so must grab. Don't understand, how much is a balloon gonna cost har?) Farn insisted that he wanted 1, so I told him to get it himself (yup, yup, I know I'm very evil hehehehe) So the poor boy, being very small size, tried very hard to squeeze through the kids & the butts of the adults. He tried so hard, when he finally squeezed to the front, all the balloons had been given out :( He came back to me looking sooooo disappointed. Just then another volunteer came out with a fresh bunch of balloons. Can see his eyes light up loh, he was hestitating, den I was like 'quick, quick, quick GO, wait later no more again' So he finally had a blue balloon with the words SSO printed on it.
Ahem... that's not the end of the story. We walked past the ACM & found out that they have children activities. So we did stone painting, he painted a stone ladybird (it's now sitting proudly on a shelf in our hall) We also found out that they have balloon sculpting at 2.30pm. With more than 2hrs to kill, I decided to hv lunch. Brought him to the big M at Boat Q, past the bumboat ride counter. Farn wanted to go for a ride, as usual I told him nxt time. At the big M while chomping on our burgers & fries, a terrible thing happened. His prized balloon started to SHRINKKKKK!!!!!! EKKKK!!!! Farn looks like he gonna burst into tears (who wouldn't, after all the squeezing to get this balloon). So to pacify him I reminded him of the balloon sculpting later at ACM. After lunch, we went back to ACM, but we're still 30mins early. By now the balloon had shrank to slightly bigger den an apple. He insisted that I cannot throw it away, must put it in my bag. Aiyoh, cannot tahan him. To pass the 3omins, we went for a bumboat ride. Farn was so excited & was asking me all the questions abt Boat Q & the bridges we passed. Well, history was not my strongest subject so 'I don't know' was my standard answer ;P After the ride, went back to ACM. The balloon sculpting had just started & already there's a long que. Farn happily joined the que. When he finally got his balloon sculpted in the shape of a cat, he was delighted. I was telling myself 'Good, now we can go home.' BUT we had barely cross the street, Farn was fiddling with the balloon, when the cat balloon BURST!!!! Win lor ! *&$!*#@^# can I complain to ACM that the guy used sub-quality balloons?! (Actually I think it's the heat ---- hot air expand mah rite??) Now we had to go back to get another balloon, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Farn can get another one. So back to the que haizzz..... The problem was they had to stop the sculpting session as the story-telling was up next. And Farn was just the nxt after the kid in front! Think he super bad luck that day. The balloon sculpting guy took his barang to the side to finished up the last balloon for the kid. Farn still refused to give up, stood right behind the kid even though I told him that the session had ended. Well, the guy remembered Farn, he was like 'U got ur balloon just now rite?' I was quite paisei, told him that the balloon bursted, Farn held up the bursted balloon to prove our claim (hey, ok, ok, I know balloons don't cost much but this one cannot get outside hor) The guy went 'Awwww.... so what do u like this time?' Was I surprised!!! Such a nice guy hehehehe.... This time round Farn asked for a flower, manzz.... this one is BIG loh many times BIGGER than the stupid cat, check out the pic & the 100 magawatts smile :)

Saturday, February 24, 2007
chinese new year
first day
Very excited as it is Han's 1st Chinese New Year. Can't wait to show her off to my relatives. But but but Farn complained of stomachache after finishing his morning milk & threw out. Poor boy, keep asking me how how. So we didn't went to mum's place as what we usually do on CNY. By lunch time he was feeling better so we decided to go with my ILs to hb's godma's plc. Who knows while I was getting Han ready, Farn complained of tummy ache again :( Haiz, in the end I've to stay home with him while dh & Han went with my ILs. Farn was very disappointed, asked me "How? I dun wan to miss all the fun leh" I also dun wan to stay at home wat....boringgggg.........
second day
Was planning to go mum's place as we didn't go yesterday, but she was out visiting & couldn't confirm when she'ld be home, xianz. Went to dh's boss CNY lunch, no mood so didn't eat much. After the lunch we went to dh's godma's place as it's nearby & Farn missed going there yesterday. Another boringggg day.
third day
Today's the day that Ido's having a gathering at KM's place, so excited. Finally I can have some fun, just luv to yak with the mummies. BUT Farn has to spoil my fun AGAIN!!! He had lunch at 1pm & took 1 bl**dy whole hr to finish. Can't believe it! The gathering starts at 1pm, I still have to get him ready, doll up myself, get Han's stuff to pass to MIL, even if I'm lucky enough to get a cab right away, it'ld be 4pm by the time I reach Yew Tee (yupz, that's where KM stays). In the end, I skipped KM's gathering, went to mum's place for dinner (kekekeke and I met Simon's gf there finally). Yet another boringgggg day.... kaoz....
Well, that's my 'most interesting' CNY. A very happy & prosperous Chinese New Year to you, hope yours is more fun den mine :)
Very excited as it is Han's 1st Chinese New Year. Can't wait to show her off to my relatives. But but but Farn complained of stomachache after finishing his morning milk & threw out. Poor boy, keep asking me how how. So we didn't went to mum's place as what we usually do on CNY. By lunch time he was feeling better so we decided to go with my ILs to hb's godma's plc. Who knows while I was getting Han ready, Farn complained of tummy ache again :( Haiz, in the end I've to stay home with him while dh & Han went with my ILs. Farn was very disappointed, asked me "How? I dun wan to miss all the fun leh" I also dun wan to stay at home wat....boringgggg.........
second day
Was planning to go mum's place as we didn't go yesterday, but she was out visiting & couldn't confirm when she'ld be home, xianz. Went to dh's boss CNY lunch, no mood so didn't eat much. After the lunch we went to dh's godma's place as it's nearby & Farn missed going there yesterday. Another boringggg day.
third day
Today's the day that Ido's having a gathering at KM's place, so excited. Finally I can have some fun, just luv to yak with the mummies. BUT Farn has to spoil my fun AGAIN!!! He had lunch at 1pm & took 1 bl**dy whole hr to finish. Can't believe it! The gathering starts at 1pm, I still have to get him ready, doll up myself, get Han's stuff to pass to MIL, even if I'm lucky enough to get a cab right away, it'ld be 4pm by the time I reach Yew Tee (yupz, that's where KM stays). In the end, I skipped KM's gathering, went to mum's place for dinner (kekekeke and I met Simon's gf there finally). Yet another boringgggg day.... kaoz....
Well, that's my 'most interesting' CNY. A very happy & prosperous Chinese New Year to you, hope yours is more fun den mine :)
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Han's leopard crawl
She is crawling!!! Well, almost hehehehe..... she's still have to perfect it :) Catch her in action!
Monday, February 5, 2007
starry starry sign 2
My little Han's birth sign
Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)- The king of the jungle
Leo kids love to be treated like royalty. If you treat them with respect and honor, they will be open, warm, and very giving. These children demand to be noticed whenever they enter a room, often in quite a dramatic fashion. If you do not give them their needed compliments, they will have no problem telling you what praise they would like to hear.
They love to direct everyone, be it playmate, sibling or parent. People seem to not mind being lead around by a Leo, for they often are fun and have great ideas. As any king or queen, they demand only the best in comfort and luxury. They love to act and try on roles of older people.Usually successful in everything they do. Leos can get almost anyone to do almost anything. They do not do anything they do not feel they will not be the best in. Probably the most confident of all the zodiac signs.
Leos hate to be wrong. Whenever you must tell a Leo about a an unacceptable behavior, it must be phrased in such a way that they come out with their pride in tact. If criticized without an out, they will attack and never listen to what needs to be changed. They have very strong egos that they must protect at all times. To help a Leo with changing his behavior, start with what is good about him. Then you can tell them the behavior you would like to see them change.
Sometimes Leo can be so self-absorbed, they will not share the stage of life with anyone. Immaturity can be a problem. A Leo should only be allowed to lead people if, it will be beneficial to everyone. He cannot be allowed to just control and dominate everyone to build his own ego. Leos must learn to share. Siblings in the family will force a Leo to get off his pedestal. Be careful he doesn’t bully or dominate the other siblings or the whole family will suffer.
Birth - 6 months
Sunny and loving.Generally very healthy.Amusing and charming. Enjoys being the centre of attention. Vocal and demanding- becoming even more so if needs are not met (talks to herself a lot when nobody talks to her). Physically and emotionally strong. Enjoys plenty of attention and laughter (yupz, she's so smiley, always in good mood). Is visually stimulated more than auditory (true, realised she likes to look at big, bright, colourful images, be it on the newspapers, books and even T-shirts). Needs plenty of praise, love, physical contact, attention. Doesn’t enjoy being ignored.
(can't comment on the ones listed below as she's only 6mths old) hehehehehe
6-18 months
Alert and curious. Loves discovery and likes to share with others. Enjoys showing off for people. Needs plenty of interaction from others. Looks for approval. Needs attention, approval, appropriate responses, socialising and sharing. Doesn’t enjoy being ignored, disapproval or limits.
18 months-3 years
Bright, entertaining, delightful and generous. Loving and tender, may mimic caring adults with dolls, animals. Can be quite dramatic and tend to exaggeration. Girls at this stage would quite often prefer to be boys. Normally cheerful, may become cranky and controlling at times. Can be bossy with other children. Can usually be brought out of a bad mood with humour.
3- 6 years
Leo preschooler enjoys playing at “grown ups”. Enjoys drama and is now able to use exaggeration for entertainmentWill mirror the behaviour of adults around him. Loving and generous. Social and outgoing. May tease or boss other children as he is testing out his leadership skills.Likes to win. Girls will try to prove they are as good, fast, clever, strong etc as boys.
3 Leos babies around me: Han, Zheng & Jeri (youngest amg them, erm, sorry, Auntie said Jeri is Virgo)
Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)- The king of the jungle
Leo kids love to be treated like royalty. If you treat them with respect and honor, they will be open, warm, and very giving. These children demand to be noticed whenever they enter a room, often in quite a dramatic fashion. If you do not give them their needed compliments, they will have no problem telling you what praise they would like to hear.
They love to direct everyone, be it playmate, sibling or parent. People seem to not mind being lead around by a Leo, for they often are fun and have great ideas. As any king or queen, they demand only the best in comfort and luxury. They love to act and try on roles of older people.Usually successful in everything they do. Leos can get almost anyone to do almost anything. They do not do anything they do not feel they will not be the best in. Probably the most confident of all the zodiac signs.
Leos hate to be wrong. Whenever you must tell a Leo about a an unacceptable behavior, it must be phrased in such a way that they come out with their pride in tact. If criticized without an out, they will attack and never listen to what needs to be changed. They have very strong egos that they must protect at all times. To help a Leo with changing his behavior, start with what is good about him. Then you can tell them the behavior you would like to see them change.
Sometimes Leo can be so self-absorbed, they will not share the stage of life with anyone. Immaturity can be a problem. A Leo should only be allowed to lead people if, it will be beneficial to everyone. He cannot be allowed to just control and dominate everyone to build his own ego. Leos must learn to share. Siblings in the family will force a Leo to get off his pedestal. Be careful he doesn’t bully or dominate the other siblings or the whole family will suffer.
Birth - 6 months
Sunny and loving.Generally very healthy.Amusing and charming. Enjoys being the centre of attention. Vocal and demanding- becoming even more so if needs are not met (talks to herself a lot when nobody talks to her). Physically and emotionally strong. Enjoys plenty of attention and laughter (yupz, she's so smiley, always in good mood). Is visually stimulated more than auditory (true, realised she likes to look at big, bright, colourful images, be it on the newspapers, books and even T-shirts). Needs plenty of praise, love, physical contact, attention. Doesn’t enjoy being ignored.
(can't comment on the ones listed below as she's only 6mths old) hehehehehe
6-18 months
Alert and curious. Loves discovery and likes to share with others. Enjoys showing off for people. Needs plenty of interaction from others. Looks for approval. Needs attention, approval, appropriate responses, socialising and sharing. Doesn’t enjoy being ignored, disapproval or limits.
18 months-3 years
Bright, entertaining, delightful and generous. Loving and tender, may mimic caring adults with dolls, animals. Can be quite dramatic and tend to exaggeration. Girls at this stage would quite often prefer to be boys. Normally cheerful, may become cranky and controlling at times. Can be bossy with other children. Can usually be brought out of a bad mood with humour.
3- 6 years
Leo preschooler enjoys playing at “grown ups”. Enjoys drama and is now able to use exaggeration for entertainmentWill mirror the behaviour of adults around him. Loving and generous. Social and outgoing. May tease or boss other children as he is testing out his leadership skills.Likes to win. Girls will try to prove they are as good, fast, clever, strong etc as boys.
3 Leos babies around me: Han, Zheng & Jeri (youngest amg them, erm, sorry, Auntie said Jeri is Virgo)
starry starry signs 1
Saw this on Aunty's blog ..... Farn is so typical Gemini....
Gemini (May 21 - June 21) - The Intelligent Entertainers
These children are good entertainers. They never are at a loss for words (sometimes I'm amazed at what comes out of his mouth). In general, Geminis are very intelligent and love to learn. Writing comes easily to them (true, he starts to write at 3yrs old). Give them books or computers to keep them from tiring of one activity. Witty and very humorous, they can grow up to be comedians. They are so good with speech, they can sell anything to anybody (basically, I think he talks too much, I've to tell him to SHUT UP). You will often find salespeople possessing the sign of Gemini.
Avid readers, they will need many, many books on many subjects to be happy. They can talk so much, they drive everyone away (he drives me CRAZY). Boredom will turn them into a hyper, nervous, antsy child (maybe that's why he's getting so uncontrollable now, I've to tell him to stop behaving like a monkey). Get their physical needs for movement satisfied by getting them involved in dance lessons, gymnastics, or track and field. They need to move their bodies as often as they move their mouths. On the other hand, do not give them too many things to do at once, for then they will never learn to be good at anything.
Watch for sensitivity to the hands, limbs or lungs. These children are more prone to dyslexia and nervous disorders, including speech problems than any other sign. Looking for variety can keep them from being faithful to friends and later to a spouse, as well as, the inability to stick with one career. Teaching your Gemini child to fulfill their commitments and concentrate on what’s in front of them will be the best thing you can do for them (this one is difficult, he has such short attention span, always doing a few activities at the same time & not finishing all of them).
Birth - 6 months
Makes contact almost immediately using eye contact and vocalisation.Enjoys interaction.Very alert.Likes being talked to and to hear the sound of a human voice.Responds well to laughter. Mirror play is good.
6-18 months
Curious and verbal.Constantly in motion.Has a short attention span and needs plenty of variety.Learns through repetition and conversation.Likely to talk and walk early (definately talks very early. I can still remember during 1 of his health checks, the pd ask if he can speak more than 20 words, my dh & I was like er....he speaks much more than that loh but but but he didn't starts crawling till he was abt 18mths). Finds everything exciting and challenging.
18 months-3 years
Perpetual motion could be your child’s nickname at this age.Begins to perform multiple tasks at the one time.Looks for honesty from those around. Mercurial personality begins to show and becomes even more unpredictable.
3-6 years
Continues to be changeable, restless and curious.Becoming more involved with testing out different roles and truths.Tests parents to see if they meant what they say (definately true for my Gemini boy).Favourite word “why” followed by “how” (drives me up the wall with his non-stop questioning). Mimicry and conversational abilities become even more highly developed. Begins to develop skills in debating and negotiating (true also, always bargaining with me, sometimes I'm so fed up I just say "Do it because mummy say so").
Gemini (May 21 - June 21) - The Intelligent Entertainers
These children are good entertainers. They never are at a loss for words (sometimes I'm amazed at what comes out of his mouth). In general, Geminis are very intelligent and love to learn. Writing comes easily to them (true, he starts to write at 3yrs old). Give them books or computers to keep them from tiring of one activity. Witty and very humorous, they can grow up to be comedians. They are so good with speech, they can sell anything to anybody (basically, I think he talks too much, I've to tell him to SHUT UP). You will often find salespeople possessing the sign of Gemini.
Avid readers, they will need many, many books on many subjects to be happy. They can talk so much, they drive everyone away (he drives me CRAZY). Boredom will turn them into a hyper, nervous, antsy child (maybe that's why he's getting so uncontrollable now, I've to tell him to stop behaving like a monkey). Get their physical needs for movement satisfied by getting them involved in dance lessons, gymnastics, or track and field. They need to move their bodies as often as they move their mouths. On the other hand, do not give them too many things to do at once, for then they will never learn to be good at anything.
Watch for sensitivity to the hands, limbs or lungs. These children are more prone to dyslexia and nervous disorders, including speech problems than any other sign. Looking for variety can keep them from being faithful to friends and later to a spouse, as well as, the inability to stick with one career. Teaching your Gemini child to fulfill their commitments and concentrate on what’s in front of them will be the best thing you can do for them (this one is difficult, he has such short attention span, always doing a few activities at the same time & not finishing all of them).
Birth - 6 months
Makes contact almost immediately using eye contact and vocalisation.Enjoys interaction.Very alert.Likes being talked to and to hear the sound of a human voice.Responds well to laughter. Mirror play is good.
6-18 months
Curious and verbal.Constantly in motion.Has a short attention span and needs plenty of variety.Learns through repetition and conversation.Likely to talk and walk early (definately talks very early. I can still remember during 1 of his health checks, the pd ask if he can speak more than 20 words, my dh & I was like er....he speaks much more than that loh but but but he didn't starts crawling till he was abt 18mths). Finds everything exciting and challenging.
18 months-3 years
Perpetual motion could be your child’s nickname at this age.Begins to perform multiple tasks at the one time.Looks for honesty from those around. Mercurial personality begins to show and becomes even more unpredictable.
3-6 years
Continues to be changeable, restless and curious.Becoming more involved with testing out different roles and truths.Tests parents to see if they meant what they say (definately true for my Gemini boy).Favourite word “why” followed by “how” (drives me up the wall with his non-stop questioning). Mimicry and conversational abilities become even more highly developed. Begins to develop skills in debating and negotiating (true also, always bargaining with me, sometimes I'm so fed up I just say "Do it because mummy say so").
Thursday, February 1, 2007
itsy bitsy ME!
Welcome to itsy bitsy ME!, where the littlest people matter most.
My 3rd baby finally!! Been wanting to try selling children apparels since Farn was born but didn't really get down to it till now.... simply too lazy.
Well, so here I am finally. Managed to get in some lovely stocks for resale & thanks my little bro for letting me use some of his server space & not forgetting my ever helpful sis for spreading the word for me (hey what are sistas for hehehehe).
itsy bitsy ME! is a homebase branded children store. To see our complete lists of stock please email me at info@itsybitsyme.com for a copy of our catalogue.
*MUCKS* sista *MUCKS* bro >^^<
My 3rd baby finally!! Been wanting to try selling children apparels since Farn was born but didn't really get down to it till now.... simply too lazy.
Well, so here I am finally. Managed to get in some lovely stocks for resale & thanks my little bro for letting me use some of his server space & not forgetting my ever helpful sis for spreading the word for me (hey what are sistas for hehehehe).
itsy bitsy ME! is a homebase branded children store. To see our complete lists of stock please email me at info@itsybitsyme.com for a copy of our catalogue.
*MUCKS* sista *MUCKS* bro >^^<
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
how she has grown :)

Just realised it's been almost a year since I last wrote. Little Han is coming to 6mths on 3rd February. Wow! And she's grown sooo much. She's such a smiley little darling, always have a ready smile on her face, unlike Farn who's quite a cry baby when he was her age kekekeke...... Hmmm let's see, Han's almost 6mths & she's already able to sleep through the nite for the whole 10hrs (I'm thankful for that), flip from back to tummy & back, able to stand with support, very chatty, definately very curious (very excited when Farn & I are having our meals, guess she can't wait to taste other food beside her bland, boring FM). She's very active, always waving her hands & feet in the air, think we're gonna have a hard time catching her when she becomes more mobile.
Gosh.... she's soo different from Farn. Her bro is a very docile baby, doesn't move much, always at the same position where we placed him. He's cot was always neat & tidy, not like Han who has the power to uproot anything that's not tied down in her cot, even the bumpers are not spared. Hope she doesn't become a tomboy in the future kekekeke. Shhhhh....... she's having her afternoon nap right now.
As for me... hmmm I've LOST my pregnancy weight! Hooray! Yeah!! ^5!!! but but but I still can't fit into most of my pants :( It must be due to expanded hips, luckily I have a very boyish figure, no ( . )( . ), no waist & no hips hehehehe, so my hips still looks ok even though they're expanded.
Going IKEA later to get some stuff for CNY, didn't had a proper CNY last year due to very severe morning sickness, so I'm gonna enjoy myself this year :)
Gotta go check on the sleeping angel *MUCKS*
Gosh.... she's soo different from Farn. Her bro is a very docile baby, doesn't move much, always at the same position where we placed him. He's cot was always neat & tidy, not like Han who has the power to uproot anything that's not tied down in her cot, even the bumpers are not spared. Hope she doesn't become a tomboy in the future kekekeke. Shhhhh....... she's having her afternoon nap right now.
As for me... hmmm I've LOST my pregnancy weight! Hooray! Yeah!! ^5!!! but but but I still can't fit into most of my pants :( It must be due to expanded hips, luckily I have a very boyish figure, no ( . )( . ), no waist & no hips hehehehe, so my hips still looks ok even though they're expanded.
Going IKEA later to get some stuff for CNY, didn't had a proper CNY last year due to very severe morning sickness, so I'm gonna enjoy myself this year :)
Gotta go check on the sleeping angel *MUCKS*
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